Joins us for the Laser Shooting event! We will be playing a total of 40min each player, so you will get to shoot a lot of people :))
Last semester was a really successful event and the owners loved our energy! We were with over 35 people, and we are hoping for you to show up and break our records and showcase the real international energy!
- Event date: Saturday, March 9th
- Event timing: 7:45 p.m.
- Event address: Olensteenweg 40, 2460 Kasterlee
Worried about transportation? The destination is totally bikeable and only straight terrain!
- Students with ESNcard: €10
- Students without ESNcard: €15
- Non-students: €20
For payments
Beneficiary: ESN Geel
Account number: BE39 7390 1428 0219
Description (transfer note): LASER_SHOOT_ESN-YOUR-NAME
!! NOTE: By signing up you agree to the ESN Geel Code of Conduct. Read more !!